Dr. Fiona McDonald
- Associate Professor, School of Law at the Queensland University of Technology, Australia
- Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Bioethics, Dalhousie University
Discussion questions:
- What stood out the most to you in this discussion about care close to home?
- Why?
- What does care close to home mean to you?
- What values do you associate with care close to home?
- In her outline of the barriers associated with care close to home, Fiona McDonald describes aspects of healthcare that represent a barrier to care close to home including:
- General medicine is valued less than specialty medicine
- Individual care providers may be reluctant to practice in rural areas due to concerns about work-life balance.
4. Do you agree that these are significant barriers?
- What are some of the things that may help address these and other barriers?
Moving care closer to home: three unanswered questions – Danielle Jefferies, Blog post published September 20th, 2023:
https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/blog/2023/09/moving- care-closer-home-three-unanswered-questions
Rethinking Rural Health Ethics – C Simpson and F McDonald (Springer 2017) http://www.springer.com/us/book/9783319608099
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