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It's Complicated: A Podcast About Healthcare Ethics in Practice


Dr. Fiona McDonald

Discussion questions:

  1. What stood out the most to you in this discussion about care close to home?  
  1. What does care close to home mean to you?  
  1. In her outline of the barriers associated with care close to home, Fiona McDonald describes aspects of healthcare that represent a barrier to care close to home including:  

4. Do you agree that these are significant barriers?   


Moving care closer to home: three unanswered questions  – Danielle Jefferies, Blog post published September 20th, 2023: care-closer-home-three-unanswered-questions  

Rethinking Rural Health Ethics – C Simpson and F McDonald (Springer 2017)  

It's Complicated: A Podcast about Healthcare Ethics in Practice
It's Complicated: A Podcast about Healthcare Ethics in Practice
Access to Care: Care Close to Home