Ethics Issues Related to Access to Care in Rural Communities

with Host, Amanda Porter and special guest speakers:

Tara Rutherford, Health Services Manager, Musquodoboit Valley Memorial Hospital

Roberta Duschene, Director of Rural and Community Sites, Central Zone, Halifax

Discussion Questions

  • How might community engagement in the recruitment process of new physicians contribute to sustain access to health care in rural communities? 
  • Can you think of ways to engage community members in approaches that can help sustain access to care in rural communities where there is no on-site physician available? 
  • In your opinion, what is a reasonable expectation about how far you might need to travel to access some forms of care? (Such as, for example, emergency care) 
  • If you had, for example, one part-time primary care physician covering an entire zone, what kind of service would you think should be prioritized?” What do you think?  


Simpson, C. and McDonald, F. (2017) Rural Health Ethics. Springer 2017  

Szumer, R.T.O., Arnold, M. The Ethics of Overlapping Relationships in Rural and Remote Healthcare. A Narrative Review. Bioethical Inquiry 20, 181–190 (2023).  

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It’s Complicated: A Podcast about Healthcare Ethics in Practice
Ethics Issues Related to Access to Care in Rural Communities